时间: 2020年12月18日-12月18日 地点: 深圳 莫老师: 15986921680
促销价: 免费
2020ASFI China asset securitization Financial Innovation Conference

中国 · 深圳



Forum background




In the third quarter of 2020, the asset securitization market issued a total of 601 products, an increase of 87.23% year-on-year, and the total issuance scale was 759.071 billion yuan, an increase of 47.97% year-on-year.

Among them, 400 corporate asset securitization products were issued, with a total issuance size of 426.166 billion yuan; 40 credit asset securitization products were issued with a total issuance size of 170.78 billion yuan; 161 asset-backed notes were issued, with a total issuance size of 162.125 billion yuan.

The decline in corporate ABS growth this year is mainly due to the strengthening of supervision, and the reduction in allocation power and risk appetite caused by frequent credit incidents. At the same time, some corporate ABSs have also experienced risk events, which have also created certain obstacles for investors to accept ABS.

为此,融易学金融学院 协同 全球投行俱乐部将于12月18日深圳举办2020 ASFI中国资产证券化金融创新大会,开启金融盛宴,致力于汇聚全球金融精英、商界领袖、财经首脑及监管机构高层代表,共同探讨资产证券化最新发展、分享创新成果,互学互鉴,为资产证券化建设提供重要支撑。

▼ 论坛概要 | 

    Verview of activity
► 名称:2020ASFI中国资产证券化金融创新大会

► 论坛时间:2020年12月18日(周五)

► 论坛地点:深圳

► 会议规模:400人

► 主办单位:融易学金融学院、全球投行俱乐部

► 协办单位:深圳前海金融管理学院、融孚律师事务所

► 支持单位:深圳前海唐誉投资控股有限公司、财视中国、归来教育科技(深圳)有限公司

► 学术支持:上海财经大学—上海国际银行金融学院、中央财经大学金融创新与风险管理研究中心、香港国际金融学会

► 媒体支持:整点金融、读懂ABS、财视中国、全球投行俱乐部、前海融资租赁俱乐部、融易学租赁研究院、供应链Finance智库、汽车金融帮等。

► 参会企业:银行、证券公司、基金公司、信托公司、房地产公司、投资管理公司、资产管理公司、评估公司、财富管理公司、金融科技公司、金融租赁公司、融资租赁公司、供应链企业、互联网金融企业、物流企业、外综服务平台、商业保理公司等企业中高层管理人员。

Name: 2020ASFI China asset securitization Financial Innovation Conference
Time: December 18, 2020
Venue: Shenzhen
Conference size: 400 people
Sponsor: Financial College of Rongyi University, IBC ibankclub
Co organizers: Qianhai Institute of financial management, Shanghai Rongfu law firm
Support unit: return Education Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd
Academic support: Center for financial innovation and risk management, Central University of Finance and economics, Hong Kong Institute of international finance, Shanghai-Shanghai Institute of international banking and Finance
Media support: whole point finance, dudabs,finance China, China investment bank club, Qianhai financial leasing club, Rongyi leasing Research Institute, Rongyi supply chain finance think tank, auto finance group, etc.
Participating enterprises: banks, securities companies, fund companies, trust companies, real estate companies, investment management companies, asset management companies, appraisal companies, wealth management companies, financial technology companies, financial leasing companies, financial leasing companies, supply chain enterprises, Internet financial enterprises, logistics enterprises, external comprehensive service platforms, commercial factoring companies and other enterprises Personnel.

▼ 论坛亮点 | 
     Bright spots



Take charge of the strategic trend

Based on the current situation of China's financial economy, the School of Finance of Rongyixue, with its strong industry and academic resource integration capabilities, is characterized by actual combat and value, closely follows financial affairs, pays attention to discussing industry foreword issues and practical innovation, and listens to financial regulators and government departments to interpret policies Share the macro vision, economic cycle and industry trends with regulatory logic, and jointly explore a new pattern of asset securitization with Chinese characteristics.



Top big coffee
Create a high-end circle, gathering more than a thousand guests, entrepreneurs and senior executives account for more than 80%, and local financial bureaus will serve as academic guidance to create an elite circle and create a high-end event for private entrepreneurs.



Forward-looking market fever
Domestic industry experts gave keynote speeches on hot topics, thoroughly discussed the current situation of brand development in my country, and presented the latest industry information and cutting-edge brand building theories to the participants.


Advertise industry influence
The forum focuses on domestic high-end media platforms. The brand lists released in previous years are authoritative. With the help of participating in the conference and building their own brand image and industry influence, companies help to become industry benchmarks.

▼ 热点议题 | 

    Hot issues

► 中国REITs市场潜力究竟有多大?它对金融供给侧结构改革乃至中国经济高质量增长有何意义?

► 当前资产证券化面临的机遇与挑战

► 当前资产证券化如何进行有效风险管理

► 不良贷款ABS是否有望成为未来重要发展方向

► 当前监管下,资产证券化产品结构设计

► 证券化在资本市场文化如何实现、市场的能力建设,如何实现价值创造进优

► 如何解决租赁公司在ABS资产选择、产品设计、承销方式等所面临的共同痛点?

1. What is the market potential of China's REITs? What does it mean for financial supply-side structural reforms and even for the high-quality growth of the Chinese economy?

2. Build a fund portfolio with stable returns + flexible performance

3. How does the ice-breaking of public REITs further help the construction of a long-term real estate mechanism?

4. Whether non-performing loan ABS is expected to become an important development direction in the future

5. Under current supervision, asset securitization product structure design

6. From holding to operation, how does commercial real estate use the "fund model" to become an asset manager

7. Under current supervision, how to transform non-standardized debt assets

▼ 议程安排 | 

    Contents of activity


 (Only Prepared version, activities ultimately based on the conference brochure)

▼ 往期论坛现场 | 

    Previous activities

▼ 部分往期参会嘉宾 | 

    Past participants(以下排名不分先后)

▼ 往期活动参与企业 | 

    Enterprises participating in previous activities


▼ 收费标准 | 

    Charging standard



Free participation in the Forum

► 4800元 / 人

高峰论坛专属VIP席位 两天高端研讨 定制专属文件材料 (不含交通及住宿费用)

4800 yuan / person: Summit Forum VIP + two-day high-end seminar + customized documents and materials (excluding transportation and accommodation expenses)

▼ 报名程序 | 
    Registration contacts


Through WeChat directly to buy courses, please note the "registration enterprise + name" when purchase, and add the registration contact for confirmation.




Reconciliation accounts



账     号:443899991010003042178

Reconciliation accounts

Company Name:Shenzhen Rongyixue Education Technology Co.

Bank: Bank of Communications Limited, Shenzhen Huarong Sub-branch

Account No: 443899991010003042178


Remittance please specify: November forum fee, after the successful remittance, the conference affairs team will be based on the valid registration information, by phone, e-mail or mobile phone text message to the guests to participate in the way and agenda.


*Due to the limited number of participants, the seats will be available on a first-come-first-served basis and no refunds will be made after payment.

▼ 咨询联系 | 
    Advisory contacts


Registration contacts








Business cooperation




